最近造了个轮子可以批量替换prefab里的prefab,欢迎大家测试~ https://bitbucket.org/xuanyusong/prefab-replace
最近在做UI部分中遇到了这样的问题,就是Prefab里面预制了Prefab。可是在Unity里面一旦Prefab预制了Prefab那么内部的Prefab就失去关联。导致与如果要改内部的Prefab需要把所有引用的地方全部改一遍。今天在逛国外网站看到了一个老外的思路,原文在这里 http://framebunker.com/blog/poor-mans-nested-prefabs/
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using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; #endif using System.Collections.Generic; [ExecuteInEditMode] public class PrefabInstance : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject prefab; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Struct of all components. Used for edit-time visualization and gizmo drawing public struct Thingy { public Mesh mesh; public Matrix4x4 matrix; public List<Material> materials; } [System.NonSerializedAttribute] public List<Thingy> things = new List<Thingy> (); void OnValidate () { things.Clear(); if (enabled) Rebuild (prefab, Matrix4x4.identity); } void OnEnable () { things.Clear(); if (enabled) Rebuild (prefab, Matrix4x4.identity); } void Rebuild (GameObject source, Matrix4x4 inMatrix) { if (!source) return; Matrix4x4 baseMat = inMatrix * Matrix4x4.TRS (-source.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one); foreach (MeshRenderer mr in source.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof (Renderer), true)) { things.Add(new Thingy () { mesh = mr.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh, matrix = baseMat * mr.transform.localToWorldMatrix, materials = new List<Material> (mr.sharedMaterials) }); } foreach (PrefabInstance pi in source.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof (PrefabInstance), true)) { if (pi.enabled && pi.gameObject.activeSelf) Rebuild (pi.prefab, baseMat * pi.transform.localToWorldMatrix); } } // Editor-time-only update: Draw the meshes so we can see the objects in the scene view void Update () { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) return; Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix; foreach (Thingy t in things) for (int i = 0; i < t.materials.Count; i++) Graphics.DrawMesh (t.mesh, mat * t.matrix, t.materials[i], gameObject.layer, null, i); } // Picking logic: Since we don't have gizmos.drawmesh, draw a bounding cube around each thingy void OnDrawGizmos () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,0,0)); } void OnDrawGizmosSelected () { DrawGizmos (new Color (0,0,1,.2f)); } void DrawGizmos (Color col) { if (EditorApplication.isPlaying) return; Gizmos.color = col; Matrix4x4 mat = transform.localToWorldMatrix; foreach (Thingy t in things) { Gizmos.matrix = mat * t.matrix; Gizmos.DrawCube(t.mesh.bounds.center, t.mesh.bounds.size); } } // Baking stuff: Copy in all the referenced objects into the scene on play or build [PostProcessScene(-2)] public static void OnPostprocessScene() { foreach (PrefabInstance pi in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (PrefabInstance))) BakeInstance (pi); } public static void BakeInstance (PrefabInstance pi) { if(!pi.prefab || !pi.enabled) return; pi.enabled = false; GameObject go = PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(pi.prefab) as GameObject; Quaternion rot = go.transform.localRotation; Vector3 scale = go.transform.localScale; go.transform.parent = pi.transform; go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero; go.transform.localScale = scale; go.transform.localRotation = rot; pi.prefab = null; foreach (PrefabInstance childPi in go.GetComponentsInChildren<PrefabInstance>()) BakeInstance (childPi); } #endif } |
OK 无论怎么修改inside这个Prefab,当实例化Big的时候都能得到最新修改的Inside这个Prefab。
界面预览问题,就是我在布界面的时候,我需要把子集Prefab界面控件拖进来预览效果。如果用上述思路UI的Prefab就必须通过脚本自动生成。一份是预览用的也就是不需要脚本的,一份是只带脚本运行时动态生成的。在处理自动生成UIPrefab的时候可以利用tag 比如像这种需要内嵌的Prefab标记一个特殊的tag,在Editor下完成Prefab的导出。另外布界面的时候不需要绑定脚本,而上述脚本的绑定也应该由Editor导出Prefab的时候完成。
最近造了个轮子可以批量替换prefab里的prefab,欢迎大家测试~ https://bitbucket.org/xuanyusong/prefab-replace
- 本文固定链接: https://www.xuanyusong.com/archives/3042
- 转载请注明: 雨松MOMO 于 雨松MOMO程序研究院 发表
你好,我从《Unity 5.x 从入门到精通》的《第 9 章》9.33,第206页处看到了这代码,是你以参与编写的吧?下一版可否写上这文章的链接?不好找到你的文章啊!
用了 但是貌似没起作用
楼主好, 请问文中所说的脚本是C# 还是别的 比如lua??
prefab evolvution