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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { //烘培烘培贴图1 public Texture2D greenLightMap; //烘培贴图2 public Texture2D redLightMap; void OnGUI() { if(GUILayout.Button("green")) { LightmapData data = new LightmapData(); data.lightmapFar = greenLightMap; LightmapSettings.lightmaps = new LightmapData[1]{data}; } if(GUILayout.Button("red")) { LightmapData data = new LightmapData(); data.lightmapFar = redLightMap; LightmapSettings.lightmaps = new LightmapData[1]{data}; } } } |
2.场景的烘培贴图已经更新,但是有些物件prefab想运行时加载进来。如果直接Instance的话 这个Prefab是没有烘培信息的。(灰颜色的)
解决这个问题我查到了 一篇大大的文章,它带了例子大家可以下载下来。 http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/problems-with-instantiating-baked-prefabs.324514/#post-2177524
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#if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using System.IO; #endif using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; [DisallowMultipleComponent,ExecuteInEditMode] public class PrefabLightmapData : MonoBehaviour { [System.Serializable] struct RendererInfo { public Renderer renderer; public int lightmapIndex; public Vector4 lightmapOffsetScale; } [SerializeField] RendererInfo[] m_RendererInfo; [SerializeField] Texture2D[] m_Lightmaps; [SerializeField] Texture2D[] m_Lightmaps2; const string LIGHTMAP_RESOURCE_PATH = "Assets/Resources/Lightmaps/"; [System.Serializable] struct Texture2D_Remap { public int originalLightmapIndex; public Texture2D originalLightmap; public Texture2D lightmap0; public Texture2D lightmap1; } static List<Texture2D_Remap> sceneLightmaps = new List<Texture2D_Remap>(); void Awake() { ApplyLightmaps(m_RendererInfo, m_Lightmaps, m_Lightmaps2); } static void ApplyLightmaps(RendererInfo[] rendererInfo, Texture2D[] lightmaps, Texture2D[] lightmaps2) { bool existsAlready = false; int counter = 0; int[] lightmapArrayOffsetIndex; if (rendererInfo == null || rendererInfo.Length == 0) return; var settingslightmaps = LightmapSettings.lightmaps; var combinedLightmaps = new List<LightmapData>(); lightmapArrayOffsetIndex = new int[lightmaps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lightmaps.Length; i++) { existsAlready = false; for (int j = 0; j < settingslightmaps.Length; j++) { if (lightmaps[i] == settingslightmaps[j].lightmapFar) { lightmapArrayOffsetIndex[i] = j; existsAlready = true; } } if (!existsAlready) { lightmapArrayOffsetIndex[i] = counter + settingslightmaps.Length; var newLightmapData = new LightmapData(); newLightmapData.lightmapFar = lightmaps[i]; newLightmapData.lightmapNear = lightmaps2[i]; combinedLightmaps.Add(newLightmapData); ++counter; } } var combinedLightmaps2 = new LightmapData[settingslightmaps.Length + counter]; settingslightmaps.CopyTo(combinedLightmaps2, 0); if (counter > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < combinedLightmaps.Count; i++) { combinedLightmaps2[i + settingslightmaps.Length] = new LightmapData(); combinedLightmaps2[i + settingslightmaps.Length].lightmapFar = combinedLightmaps[i].lightmapFar; combinedLightmaps2[i + settingslightmaps.Length].lightmapNear = combinedLightmaps[i].lightmapNear; } } ApplyRendererInfo(rendererInfo, lightmapArrayOffsetIndex); LightmapSettings.lightmaps = combinedLightmaps2; } static void ApplyRendererInfo(RendererInfo[] infos, int[] arrayOffsetIndex) { for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++) { var info = infos[i]; info.renderer.lightmapIndex = arrayOffsetIndex[info.lightmapIndex]; info.renderer.lightmapScaleOffset = info.lightmapOffsetScale; } } #if UNITY_EDITOR [MenuItem("Assets/Update Scene with Prefab Lightmaps")] static void UpdateLightmaps() { PrefabLightmapData[] prefabs = FindObjectsOfType<PrefabLightmapData>(); foreach (var instance in prefabs) { ApplyLightmaps(instance.m_RendererInfo, instance.m_Lightmaps, instance.m_Lightmaps2); } Debug.Log("Prefab lightmaps updated"); } [MenuItem("Assets/Bake Prefab Lightmaps")] static void GenerateLightmapInfo() { Debug.ClearDeveloperConsole(); if (Lightmapping.giWorkflowMode != Lightmapping.GIWorkflowMode.OnDemand) { Debug.LogError("ExtractLightmapData requires that you have baked you lightmaps and Auto mode is disabled."); return; } Lightmapping.Bake(); string lightMapPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),LIGHTMAP_RESOURCE_PATH); if(!Directory.Exists(lightMapPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(lightMapPath); sceneLightmaps = new List<Texture2D_Remap>(); //var scene = UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.GetActiveScene(); var sceneName =Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(EditorApplication.currentScene) ; var resourcePath = LIGHTMAP_RESOURCE_PATH + sceneName; var scenePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(EditorApplication.currentScene) + "/" + sceneName + "/"; PrefabLightmapData[] prefabs = FindObjectsOfType<PrefabLightmapData>(); foreach (var instance in prefabs) { var gameObject = instance.gameObject; var rendererInfos = new List<RendererInfo>(); var lightmaps = new List<Texture2D>(); var lightmaps2 = new List<Texture2D>(); GenerateLightmapInfo(scenePath, resourcePath, gameObject, rendererInfos, lightmaps, lightmaps2); instance.m_RendererInfo = rendererInfos.ToArray(); instance.m_Lightmaps = lightmaps.ToArray(); instance.m_Lightmaps2 = lightmaps2.ToArray(); var targetPrefab = PrefabUtility.GetPrefabParent(gameObject) as GameObject; if (targetPrefab != null) { //Prefab PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(gameObject, targetPrefab); } ApplyLightmaps(instance.m_RendererInfo, instance.m_Lightmaps, instance.m_Lightmaps2); } Debug.Log("Update to prefab lightmaps finished"); } static void GenerateLightmapInfo(string scenePath, string resourcePath, GameObject root, List<RendererInfo> rendererInfos, List<Texture2D> lightmaps, List<Texture2D> lightmaps2) { var renderers = root.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer>(); foreach (MeshRenderer renderer in renderers) { if (renderer.lightmapIndex != -1) { RendererInfo info = new RendererInfo(); info.renderer = renderer; info.lightmapOffsetScale = renderer.lightmapScaleOffset; Texture2D lightmap = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[renderer.lightmapIndex].lightmapFar; Texture2D lightmap2 = LightmapSettings.lightmaps[renderer.lightmapIndex].lightmapNear; int sceneLightmapIndex = AddLightmap(scenePath, resourcePath, renderer.lightmapIndex, lightmap, lightmap2); info.lightmapIndex = lightmaps.IndexOf(sceneLightmaps[sceneLightmapIndex].lightmap0); if (info.lightmapIndex == -1) { info.lightmapIndex = lightmaps.Count; lightmaps.Add(sceneLightmaps[sceneLightmapIndex].lightmap0); lightmaps2.Add(sceneLightmaps[sceneLightmapIndex].lightmap1); } rendererInfos.Add(info); } } } static int AddLightmap(string scenePath, string resourcePath, int originalLightmapIndex, Texture2D lightmap, Texture2D lightmap2) { int newIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < sceneLightmaps.Count; i++) { if (sceneLightmaps[i].originalLightmapIndex == originalLightmapIndex) { return i; } } if (newIndex == -1) { var lightmap_Remap = new Texture2D_Remap(); lightmap_Remap.originalLightmapIndex = originalLightmapIndex; lightmap_Remap.originalLightmap = lightmap; var filename = scenePath + "Lightmap-" + originalLightmapIndex; lightmap_Remap.lightmap0 = GetLightmapAsset(filename + "_comp_light.exr", resourcePath + "_light", originalLightmapIndex, lightmap); if (lightmap2 != null) { lightmap_Remap.lightmap1 = GetLightmapAsset(filename + "_comp_dir.exr", resourcePath + "_dir", originalLightmapIndex, lightmap2); } sceneLightmaps.Add(lightmap_Remap); newIndex = sceneLightmaps.Count - 1; } return newIndex; } static Texture2D GetLightmapAsset(string filename, string resourcePath, int originalLightmapIndex, Texture2D lightmap) { AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(filename, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); var importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(filename) as TextureImporter; importer.isReadable = true; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(filename, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); var assetLightmap = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(filename); var assetPath = resourcePath + "-" + originalLightmapIndex + ".asset"; var newLightmap = Instantiate<Texture2D>(assetLightmap); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(newLightmap, assetPath); newLightmap = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(assetPath); importer.isReadable = false; AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(filename, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); return newLightmap; } #endif } |
点击 Assets/Bake Prefab Lightmaps 进行烘培, 这样它的脚本里会把index 和 offset保存在prefab里。它还会保存上当前烘培场景的Lightmap,如果运行时想更换的话,你可以加一些自己的逻辑进行切换。
下载: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTU9EOB
- 本文固定链接: https://www.xuanyusong.com/archives/3807
- 转载请注明: 雨松MOMO 于 雨松MOMO程序研究院 发表
捐 赠写博客不易,如果您想请我喝一杯星巴克的话?就进来看吧!
我的情况是把Prefab做成Assetbundle,加载后设置好对应的LightMapIndex和LightMapScaleOffset以及LightmapSetting。但是LightMap不显示。最后发现是由于Shader打包时,Unity自动将LightMap的部分裁掉了。你们可以试试在Edit/Project Setting/Graphics里把Shader stripping的Lightmap modes设置成Manual后再打包看看好了没。