通过注册 Canvas.willRenderCanvases += PerformUpdate; 将需要重建的网格保存在
private readonly IndexedSet<ICanvasElement> m_LayoutRebuildQueue = new IndexedSet<ICanvasElement>();
private readonly IndexedSet<ICanvasElement> m_GraphicRebuildQueue = new IndexedSet<ICanvasElement>();
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using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour { IList<ICanvasElement> m_LayoutRebuildQueue; IList<ICanvasElement> m_GraphicRebuildQueue; private void Awake() { System.Type type = typeof(CanvasUpdateRegistry); FieldInfo field = type.GetField("m_LayoutRebuildQueue", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); m_LayoutRebuildQueue = (IList<ICanvasElement>)field.GetValue(CanvasUpdateRegistry.instance); field = type.GetField("m_GraphicRebuildQueue", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); m_GraphicRebuildQueue = (IList<ICanvasElement>)field.GetValue(CanvasUpdateRegistry.instance); } private void Update() { for (int j = 0; j < m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Count; j++) { var rebuild = m_LayoutRebuildQueue[j]; if (ObjectValidForUpdate(rebuild)) { Debug.LogFormat("{0}引起{1}网格重建",, rebuild.transform.GetComponent<Graphic>(); } } for (int j = 0; j < m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Count; j++) { var element = m_GraphicRebuildQueue[j]; if (ObjectValidForUpdate(element)) { Debug.LogFormat("{0}引起{1}网格重建",, element.transform.GetComponent<Graphic>(); } } } private bool ObjectValidForUpdate(ICanvasElement element) { var valid = element != null; var isUnityObject = element is Object; if (isUnityObject) valid = (element as Object) != null; //Here we make use of the overloaded UnityEngine.Object == null, that checks if the native object is alive. return valid; } } |
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可以,很强。 大佬,有个问题请教一下,就是为什么网上说网格重建是针对单个Canvas而言呢?看源码是CanvasUpdateRegistry单例来进行注册你打印的2个列表元素的,按道理是可能会涉及到多个Canvas的UI的呀。还有是网格重建其实是有2个过程的叫ReBatch、ReBuild,ReBatch是绘制,然后才ReBuild,都整懵逼了
网上大多都抄来抄去 一个没说明白 大家都跟着懵逼。
看源码 针对Canvas的说法应该是 重建和重新合批。 也就是对应 Rebuild 和 ReBatch,网上普遍把这两个混在一起讲 统称重建。
而Rebuild应该是针对单个UI元素的Mesh重建,而不是整个Canvas,但是单个UI的Rebuild后续又会触发Canvas的Rebatch。 所以一般说的Canvas重建应该是Rebatch,或者硬要说的话 是单个Rebuild + 整体Rebatch 的过程。
事实上,大多来自动画,显示都会有一次。刚好年前跟着大佬 搞过这块