Xcode 4 Transition Guide
Apple is aiming for Xcode 4 to be the primary iOS development environment and, as a result, many will need to transition from Xcode 3.2 to Xcode 4. This guide has been put together in order to help you migrate your apps to Xcode 4 successfully.
What you need to do
For existing projects
If you want to start using Xcode 4 with an existing project made using Xcode 3.2.#, all you need to do to update your project is run ttmodule again like so:
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> python three20/src/scripts/ttmodule.py -p path/to/your/project/project.xcodeproj Three20 --xcode-version=4 |
python脚本执行完毕后,就应该环境就搭建完毕了 ,快快打开工程检查一下,如下图所示,安装成功后打开工程后在Frameworks中会出现很多Three20的相关的东西。 如果到这一步还是没有出现这些Frameworks文件,那么请仔细阅读上面的博文检查一下自己的步骤。
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#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, @"Three20AppDelegate"); [pool release]; return retVal; } |
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#import "Three20AppDelegate.h" #import "MyViewController.h" @implementation Three20AppDelegate - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { //创建导航条 TTNavigator* navigator = [TTNavigator navigator]; navigator.persistenceMode = TTNavigatorPersistenceModeAll; navigator.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:TTScreenBounds()] autorelease]; //TTURLMap 非常重要的一个属性 //界面的点击切换完全取决与它的设定 TTURLMap* map = navigator.URLMap; //如果须要访问wab页面的话 就必需添加 [map from:@"*" toViewController:[TTWebController class]]; //拼一个url 意思是如果访问 "tt://MyView" 会进入 MyViewController class [map from:@"tt://MyView" toSharedViewController:[MyViewController class]]; if (![navigator restoreViewControllers]) { //打开上面设置的url [navigator openURLAction:[TTURLAction actionWithURLPath:@"tt://MyView"]]; } return YES; } - (void)dealloc { [super dealloc]; } @end |
由于在程序入口中就将URL 指向这里 ,所以在这里添加显示view等等。
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#import "MyViewController.h" #import <Three20Style/UIColorAdditions.h> @implementation MyViewController - (void)loadView { [super loadView]; //创建一个可滑动的view UIScrollView* scrollView = [[[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:TTNavigationFrame()] autorelease]; scrollView.autoresizesSubviews = YES; scrollView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth ¦ UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; //背景颜色 scrollView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; self.view = scrollView; //标题内容 self.title = @"雨松MOMO程序开发" ; //设置雨松MOMO头像图片 CGRect frame = CGRectMake(100, 10, 120, 120); TTImageView *imageView = [[TTImageView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"1.jpg"]; imageView.defaultImage = image; [scrollView addSubview:imageView]; //view风格 边框 颜色 UIColor* black = RGBCOLOR(158, 163, 172); //view风格 TTStyle* style = [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]]; frame = CGRectMake(5, 150, 310, 150); //新建一个TTView 将设置的风格赋值给它 TTView *view = [[[TTView alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease]; //背景颜色 view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; //赋值风格 view.style = style; //显示字符串 支持html语言 NSString * text = @"爱加班,爱代码,爱HelloWorld , 爱学习,爱钻研,爱学无止境 爱玩游戏更爱做游戏,我是雨松MOMO,哇咔咔~ 我在参加2011年博客大赛 <a href=\"http://www.xuanyusong.com\">点击为MOMO投上宝贵的一票</a>"; frame = CGRectMake(10, 10, 290, 150); //TTStyledTextLabel 很给力啊这个 哈哈! TTStyledTextLabel* label = [[[TTStyledTextLabel alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease]; label.font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:17]; label.textColor = [UIColor redColor]; label.text = [TTStyledText textFromXHTML:text lineBreaks:YES URLs:YES]; label.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(5, 5, 5, 5); [label sizeToFit]; //将label添加入自定义view [view addSubview:label]; //将自动一定view 显示在主view中! [scrollView addSubview:view]; } @end |
到这一步,这个简单的HelloWorld程序就写完了,我们发现以前我们用到的高级界面的类基本上Three20都写了新的方法去继承,实现更佳好的效果,将麻烦的地方由引擎自身帮我们完成。看一下效果图。我添加特殊的风格View 显示text 支持html语言 可以在程序中随意添加网页链接、
下面MOMO在贴一段官方提供的Demo中的一段代码,主要是用来设置View风格. 官方一共提供了19种view风格,代码中使用循环将这19中view 依次显示在界面中,绝对够我们开发IOS应用程序啦 哈哈~~所以说官方提供的DEMO 大家一定要好好阅读喔 哇咔咔~~
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- (void)loadView { UIScrollView* scrollView = [[[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:TTNavigationFrame()] autorelease]; scrollView.autoresizesSubviews = YES; scrollView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth ¦ UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; scrollView.backgroundColor = RGBCOLOR(216, 221, 231); self.view = scrollView; UIColor* black = RGBCOLOR(158, 163, 172); UIColor* blue = RGBCOLOR(191, 197, 208); UIColor* darkBlue = RGBCOLOR(109, 132, 162); NSArray* styles = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: // Rectangle [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]], // Rounded rectangle [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // Gradient border [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTLinearGradientBorderStyle styleWithColor1:RGBCOLOR(0, 0, 0) color2:RGBCOLOR(216, 221, 231) width:2 next:nil]]], // Rounded left arrow [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedLeftArrowShape shapeWithRadius:5] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // Partially rounded rectangle [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape: [TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithTopLeft:0 topRight:0 bottomRight:10 bottomLeft:10] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // SpeechBubble with pointer left of the centre on the top edge // Locations for top edge are 45 on the left, 90 in the centre, 134.999 on the right [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTSpeechBubbleShape shapeWithRadius:5 pointLocation:60 pointAngle:90 pointSize:CGSizeMake(20,10)] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // SpeechBubble with pointer on the extreme left on the bottom edge // Locations for bottom edge are 225 on the left, 270 in the centre, 314.999 on the left [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTSpeechBubbleShape shapeWithRadius:5 pointLocation:314 pointAngle:270 pointSize:CGSizeMake(20,10)] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // SpeechBubble with pointer on the bottom of the left edge // Locations for left edge are 315 on the bottom, 0 in the centre, 44.999 on top [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTSpeechBubbleShape shapeWithRadius:5 pointLocation:315 pointAngle:0 pointSize:CGSizeMake(10,20)] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // SpeechBubble with pointer on the centre of the left edge // Locations for left edge are 315 on the bottom, 0 in the centre, 44.999 on top [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTSpeechBubbleShape shapeWithRadius:5 pointLocation:0 pointAngle:0 pointSize:CGSizeMake(20,10)] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // SpeechBubble with pointer on the bottom of the right hand edge // Locations for right edge are 135 on top, 180 in the middle, 314.999 on the bottom [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTSpeechBubbleShape shapeWithRadius:5 pointLocation:224 pointAngle:180 pointSize:CGSizeMake(15,15)] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]], // Drop shadow [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.5) blur:5 offset:CGSizeMake(2, 2) next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-0.25, -0.25, -0.25, -0.25) next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]]]]], // Inner shadow [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] next: [TTInnerShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.5) blur:6 offset:CGSizeMake(1, 1) next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:black width:1 next:nil]]]], // Chiseled button [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(255,255,255,0.9) blur:1 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 1) next: [TTLinearGradientFillStyle styleWithColor1:RGBCOLOR(255, 255, 255) color2:RGBCOLOR(216, 221, 231) next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:blue width:1 next:nil]]]], // Embossed button [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:10] next: [TTLinearGradientFillStyle styleWithColor1:RGBCOLOR(255, 255, 255) color2:RGBCOLOR(216, 221, 231) next: [TTFourBorderStyle styleWithTop:blue right:black bottom:black left:blue width:1 next:nil]]], // Toolbar button [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:4.5] next: [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBCOLOR(255,255,255) blur:1 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 1) next: [TTReflectiveFillStyle styleWithColor:darkBlue next: [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:[darkBlue shadow] shadow:[darkBlue multiplyHue:1 saturation:0.5 value:0.5] width:1 lightSource:270 next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -1, 0, -1) next: [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:nil shadow:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.15) width:1 lightSource:270 next:nil]]]]]], // Back button [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedLeftArrowShape shapeWithRadius:4.5] next: [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBCOLOR(255,255,255) blur:1 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 1) next: [TTReflectiveFillStyle styleWithColor:darkBlue next: [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:[darkBlue shadow] shadow:[darkBlue multiplyHue:1 saturation:0.5 value:0.5] width:1 lightSource:270 next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, -1, 0, -1) next: [TTBevelBorderStyle styleWithHighlight:nil shadow:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.15) width:1 lightSource:270 next:nil]]]]]], // Badge [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRoundedRectangleShape shapeWithRadius:TT_ROUNDED] next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5) next: [TTShadowStyle styleWithColor:RGBACOLOR(0,0,0,0.8) blur:3 offset:CGSizeMake(0, 5) next: [TTReflectiveFillStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor redColor] next: [TTInsetStyle styleWithInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-1.5, -1.5, -1.5, -1.5) next: [TTSolidBorderStyle styleWithColor:[UIColor whiteColor] width:3 next:nil]]]]]], // Mask [TTMaskStyle styleWithMask:TTIMAGE(@"bundle://mask.png") next: [TTLinearGradientFillStyle styleWithColor1:RGBCOLOR(0, 180, 231) color2:RGBCOLOR(0, 0, 255) next:nil]], // simple bottom only border [TTShapeStyle styleWithShape:[TTRectangleShape shape] next: [TTSolidFillStyle styleWithColor:RGBCOLOR(255, 255, 255) next: [TTFourBorderStyle styleWithTop:nil right:nil bottom:black left:nil width:5 next:nil]]], nil]; CGFloat padding = 10.0f; CGFloat viewWidth = scrollView.width/2 - padding*2; CGFloat viewHeight = TT_ROW_HEIGHT; CGFloat x = padding; CGFloat y = padding; for (TTStyle* style in styles) { if (x + viewWidth >= scrollView.width) { x = padding; y += viewHeight + padding; } CGRect frame = CGRectMake(x, y, viewWidth, viewHeight); TTView* view = [[[TTView alloc] initWithFrame:frame] autorelease]; view.backgroundColor = scrollView.backgroundColor; view.style = style; [scrollView addSubview:view]; x += frame.size.width + padding; } scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.width, y + viewHeight + padding); } |
- 本文固定链接: https://www.xuanyusong.com/archives/616
- 转载请注明: 雨松MOMO 于 雨松MOMO程序研究院 发表
谢谢啊 ,不过现在320已经没落了。。。
我也很久没做过 IOS应用开发了。也不太清楚, 你可以去网上查查吧。。
“官方提供的Demo中的一段代码”中156行开始的 scrollView.width 是不是错啦?应该是scrollView.frame.size.width 吧?
请问,听说320不是有privateAPI吗? 可以上appStore吗?
没问题,很多APP都上 app store了。。